The Cortisol Balance Course


BONUS: Cortisol Belly Masterclass


BONUS: 30-Day Somatic Reset

*Scroll down to see all 8 Bonuses!*

The struggle is REAL.

It wasn't always like this, but lately...

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Your mind races, leaving you overwhelmed with even simple tasks.

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Every morning feels like a battle, dreading the day before it even starts.

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Those uncontrollable late-night cravings for salty or sugary foods sabotage your best intentions.

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The smallest things trigger irritability – you snap at loved ones, then guilt hits.

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Sleep is a cruel joke – waking at 3am, exhausted but wired.

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Your body fights you at every turn – weight won't budge, gaining belly fat, energy is non-existent.

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You're losing the joy in things you loved, feeling like a shell of yourself.

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Hair thinning, skin breakouts, and your sex drive is a distant memory.

Worse yet, doctors say "you're fine," but deep down, you KNOW something's wrong.

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“I feel like Christine is my accountability buddy, doing this along with me! I absolutely am inspired to show up every day knowing she is in the community supporting the group. I feel like I’m doing this with a friend, someone who really gets it on a personal level and who can also guide me when I feel a little upside down in this new process... I am LOVING the program!” — Meghan

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You are ready for something to finally change.

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Waking up feeling rested and ready to face the day with a sense of possibility.

Navigating stressful moments with clarity and inner calm- instead of stuck in fight, flight or freeze

Having motivation, focus & energy at work, and still having energy after to enjoy doing something FOR YOU!

Rediscover the joy of movement and adventure - without fearing you'll crash.

Say goodbye to those crushing waves of fatigue that steal precious days.

Feel at home in your own body again.

Reclaim your spark and zest for life.

Let joy, playfulness, and creativity re-emerge as part of your everyday, not just a distant dream.

What if I told you that this is not some distant dream, but is truly within your reach?

That’s the transformative power of balancing cortisol & regulating your nervous system.

You might think that getting these kinds of results will require you to follow a rigid, restrictive plan, but that isn’t the case.

Because EVERYONE'S INDIVIDUAL NEEDS ARE A LITTLE DIFFERENT, I’ve designed this course to help you to learn what works best for you by teaching you how to observe and listen to how your body responds to the sustainable lifestyle changes you’ll be making.

Here are some things that you don’t need to do:

Cut out carbs, fat, salt, red meat, or coffee.

Restrictive diets that leave you feeling deprived and miserable.

Drastic cleanses or punishing workouts that exhaust your body.

Spend thousands of dollars on unnecessary or unproven lab tests.

Focus on weight loss.

Rely on endless willpower to resist cravings and ignore your body's needs.

Instead, recovery will happen when you focus on:

Learning to listen to your body.

Getting to know your hunger, fullness, and satisfaction cues.


Without feeling guilty or restless!


The right way.

Replenishing the nutrients that your body needs.

Specifically, your adrenals, brain, and gut need to be nourished with the right foods.

Incorporating top-of-the-line supplements.

If needed, and these should always be specific to the stage of adrenal dysfunction you are experiencing.

Understanding why you crave certain foods.

I can teach you how to relieve those cravings in better ways.

Preparing easy and no-cook meals.

These can take as little as 10 minutes to prepare, but will nourish your body.

Moving your body in some way each day.

Starting very gently!

Learning to interpret your nervous system signals.

Like discerning between anxiety and intuition.

Balancing your cortisol levels.

This will look different at different times of the day, and will give you energy during the day and help you to sleep at night.

Reducing hidden physical stressors on your body.

Like blood sugar crashes, food sensitivities, and household toxins.

I know this approach works because I have spent the last 15 years perfecting my 8-step method...

...and have used it myself to naturally recover from my own personal struggle with adrenal dysfunction and burnout symptoms — and now, so have hundreds of my clients!

What our members say!

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Hi, I'm Christine!

I've had my fair share of experiences with the chronic stress, cortisol, and adrenal burnout cycle at different points in my life - and I am teaching you EVERYTHING I've learned so you don't have to make the same mistakes.

The primary culprits for me were my jobs, relationships, and grappling with imposter syndrome, which ultimately affected nearly every aspect of my life.

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I felt overwhelmed by even the smallest things, experienced anxiety, exhaustion, nighttime binge eating, weight gain around my midsection, hair loss, social anxiety (something I never had before), irritability, and even depression.

As a Dietitian and Fitness Professional, I naively believed that I could easily fix these issues with a few weeks of dieting and intense workouts - it's what worked in the past so why not now?

I tried every strict diet, intermittent fasting, juice cleansing, bootcamp workouts, and delved into traditional therapy & at one point. I read countless books and attended numerous seminars in my quest for answers.

At one point, I was so desperate that I even quit my job and took off to South America for a few months, hoping for a fresh start.

Yet, nothing seemed to help me break free from this cycle. Ironically, many of these so-called “solutions” only exacerbated my struggles, leaving me feeling worse than ever before.

But then, I had an epiphany that I had been approaching this ALL WRONG.

I had been trying to fix myself from the outside in, when what I truly needed was to nourish myself from the inside out.

Now, at the age of 36, I can honestly say that I have never felt better in my entire life!

During my journey, I stumbled upon a few key revelations that I'm eager to share with you in this course including: FEELING safe is VITAL to healing. Reducing chronic stress & balancing CORTISOL is VITAL. Nutrition is significant, but it's not the ONLY tool we need. Understanding how to use MOVEMENT & STILLNESS to release fight, flight, freeze energy is EVERYTHING!

After 15+ years of professional expertise as a Holistic Dietitian, Fitness Professional, and Somatic Movement Practitioner, as well as my personal experiences, I have developed an 8-step method that has helped HUNDREDS of individuals recover from the adrenal, cortisol, and burnout cycle once and for all.

I would be thrilled to have the opportunity to help you next! Together, we can navigate this path towards healing and empower you to reclaim your wellbeing and vitality.

In 2 months from now, you’ll have learned my entire 8-step Cortisol Balance method that gives you the keys to better energy, sleep, motivation, peace & enjoyment in your life!

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My energy is good and consistent. I sleep really well. My mind feels clear. My fingers don't hurt! nor do my knees or feet hurt which is a bonus. I've lost probably five pounds which is a great bonus. My skin looks and feels good... Thank you for introducing me to something I never would have tried on my own.” — Mary Lou


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An 8-Module course to naturally balance stress hormones, support your adrenals, revitalize your energy, improve sleep & calm anxiety.

Imagine feeling like this!

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Consistent energy levels and focus, replacing frantic rushes and crashes + no more fatigue.

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Saying "yes" with confidence: Making choices that truly align with your desires, not out of obligation.

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Feeling more present and joyful in relationships.

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Glowing from the inside out, with skin, hair, eyes, and a smile that are radiant for the first time in years!

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Carving time for self-care & having the energy to pursue hobbies or passions that fell by the wayside.

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Stable blood sugar - goodbye, mood swings and insatiable cravings. + dropping the stubborn belly fat.

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Reconnecting to the fun, joyful, and spontaneous version of yourself again.

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Rediscovering your spark! Taking that hike with confidence, embracing spontaneity, feeling truly ALIVE again.

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“Thank you so much for this incredibly useful info. I’m SO excited. I’m finally investing in my health - it’s way overdue.”

The 8 Module Breakdown:


No matter how low your energy or motivation is, start your journey on the right foot by getting your mind and body aligned, and in momentum. The pre-work has been intentionally chosen to support why you will be making the choices in this program, foundations to get you started, and mentally committing to show up and follow through on this 8-week program!


Explore the important role of balancing your blood sugar and stopping the sugar spikes and crashes. I’ve got your back with simple tips, yummy food choices, smart meal timing, and balanced food combinations tol improve your energy and sleep, cut your sugar cravings, and improve your mood!


Tap into the 7 different types of rest and learn exactly how to give yourself permission to do it — without guilt. We’ll also learn the magic of maintaining proper water and electrolyte balance to de-stress your body, quench your thirst, break through fatigue, and drop extra water weight you’re holding.


Let’s nourish those hard-working adrenals by getting clear on exactly what essential nutrients you need to include in your food to support adrenal health & balance cortisol levels.

Plus, get my hand-picked Supplement Protocols to help restore your nutrient levels.


Together, we’ll uncover the underlying emotional and psychological factors that contribute to chronic stress, and use somatic practices to get out of survival mode so you can reclaim your peace of mind and create presence and calm in your day.


A simple but effective approach to support gut health. Reducing inflammation and eliminating food sensitivities will reduce stress on adrenal function. Learn about the best foods and gut healing herbs and nutrients that you can include to help your body use the healthy foods you are eating in the most optimal way to heal


We’ll explore the benefits of different activities and how to strike that perfect balance between rejuvenating and invigorating movement — and which to use when! Get ready to find joy in movement and give your nervous system some extra love.


It's time to create a toxin-free haven for your body and adrenals to thrive in! We’ll dive into common sources of toxins lurking in our daily lives and explore practical ways to reduce your exposure through product swaps, lifestyle changes, and science based, at-home detox protocols

BRAND NEW!!!!! Module 9: Understanding Your Cycle, Perimenopause, & Menopause  (Coming MARCH 2024) A full module addition is coming in early 2024 to help you understand the confusing world of hormones, stress & cortisol so that you can have easeful periods, reduce the awful PMS & PMDD monthly , make the transition through menopause LESS chaotic, sweaty, moody, and well…. hellish!

PLUS these *8* Bonuses!

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NEW! Cortisol Belly Masterclass - 90 Min

($197 value)

Learn the connection of why we gain belly fat when our cortisol is imbalanced, why it's doesn't budge no matter how much you diet & exercise ....and EXACTLY what to do to release stress & the extra uncomfortable body fat.

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NEW! 30-Day Somatic Serenity Reset

($222 value)

Learn a simple daily somatic practice to shift & release stuck fight, flight, freeze energy..

This is for the stressed, overwhelemed, busy person who wants to STOP living stuck in survival states Of fight, flight & freeze & learn to use Somatics to shift their energy, feel their emotions & feel balanced, break the old mindsets holding them back, learn to tap into the healing energy of their body, release tension, and put their own needs first.

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*NEW* Sleep Soundly Series

10 Days of Video + Guided Practices to help you to overcome your sleep issues. This is for you if you struggle with falling asleep, insomnia, staying asleep, Adrenaline Rushes, early AM anxiety or you want to get *more* restful sleep & wake up feeling refreshed!

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A LIVE Group Q&A with Christine getting your questions answered directly + 1:1 support in a group environment. Community + Accountability + Guidance.

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22-Minute Workouts

($222 Value)

The idea of doing exercise can feel completely overwhelming when you’re low on energy. These short workouts offer a variety of ways for you to gently get started — at home, or anywhere you choose.

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The Blood Sugar Balance

Recipe E-Book

($47 Value)

A 4 week abundant collection of delicious recipes that prioritize wholesome, nutrient-dense ingredients and the art of balancing blood sugar levels. Each recipe has been crafted to support cortisol and adrenal recovery. Try these recipes and you'll overcome sugar cravings, reduce cortisol, boost energy levels, improve sleep, and achieve sustainable weight loss.

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The Anti-Inflammatory Recipe E-Book

($47 Value)

Discover mouthwatering, easy to make recipes that have been carefully curated to promote healing, reduce inflammation, and restore balance. Ranging from vibrant breakfast bowls, smoothies and salads to hearty main courses and comforting soups, this is the perfect recipe book for anyone managing food sensitivities!

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Lifetime Access & ALL Future Updates


Any time I release something new for the course, you’ll get access to it at no additional cost and, with lifetime access, you can take it all at your own pace.

This course is for you if...

Stress has hijacked your body: Racing thoughts, insomnia, relentless fatigue, weight're tired of feeling out of control.

You're exhausted but wired: Sleep feels impossible, yet you crash hard, leaving you drained and unmotivated throughout the day.

Traditional advice FAILS you: Doctors say "you're fine," diets don't work, and willpower alone isn't cutting it.

You crave a deeper understanding: Why is this happening? What can you do to ACTUALLY feel better, long-term?

Your work and relationships suffer: Stress is making you irritable, disconnected, and headed towards burnout.

You want to break the cycle: You're ready for a sustainable approach to managing stress and reclaiming your energy.

Have tried restrictive diets, intense workouts, and "self-care," but still struggle with low energy, stubborn weight, and poor sleep.

Feel overwhelmed by conflicting health information and want clear guidance on supplements that support your unique needs.

Suspect your exhaustion goes beyond "just needing a vacation" and want to address the root causes of burnout.

Ready to feel like you again?

Here's exactly what you'll receive when you purchase The Cortisol Balance Method Course

8 Video Modules + NEW Module 9 ($1497 Value)

One module is released weekly over 9 weeks helping you to stay focused on one action step at a time.

When you enroll you will get instant access to the Welcome Series + Module 1!

10+ Download & Print Friendly Workbooks ($222 Value)

Including cortisol balancing activities, fight/flight/freeze tracking, castor oil packs, sleep support, supplement protocols, digestive bitters & herbs - with activities + practices to help you put this information into use in your life!

9 Incredible Bonuses!

Bonus 1: *New* 30-Day Somatic Reset ($222)

Bonus 2:*New* Cortisol Belly Masterclass ($197)

Bonus 3: *New* Sleep Soundly Series ($222 Value)

Bonus 4: 30 Beginner On-Demand Video Workouts ($222 value)

Bonus 5: Monthly LIVE Video Q&A with Christine

Bonus 6: Somatic & Vagus Nerve Library of videos

Bonus 7: The Anti-Inflamatory Meal E-Book ($47 Value)

Bonus 8: Exclusive Online Community & Professional Support from Christine ($444 Value)

Bonus 9: ALL Future Updates and Lifetime Access (Priceless!)

10% Discount on all Professional Grade Supplements you choose to order

Delicious and nourishing recipes to stabilize your energy levels.

Lifetime Access + Future Updates INCLUDED

Discounted Salivary Cortisol Test (optional)

Order a Salivary Cortisol Test Kit to your home using my professional discount.

Total Value: $3000+

Enroll now and save $100!

Flexible Payment Plan

4 Monthly Payments


payments with Klarna, Affirm or Afterpay


A one-time payment of



Get the best value for the course by paying in full today.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?

The first module of the course is available to start immediately after purchase! The remaining modules will be released to you weekly. You’ll have LIFETIME access to everything in the course, so you can go through everything in approximately 8 weeks or take it more slowly if you prefer, and rewatch anything at any time!

How much time will I need to dedicate to the course?

You can do 5 minutes a day or as long as you like. Since it’s self paced, there is no rush and there is no falling behind. Either way I highly recommend you log in to the course & do 1 action at least each day. This program was designed to help you create more time in your life for things that help you restore your energy & reduce your stress.

When can I expect to see results?

8. Many people begin to notice improvements in as little as 2 weeks, but it could be 4-6 weeks before you see some bigger changes and 3-12 months before you really feel better. The time it takes to see results will vary from person to person, and will depend upon the stage of adrenal dysfunction you are experiencing, how long it’s been going on, and you apply this material according to your needs. But remember: it took a long time for you to reach this stage of adrenal dysfunction, and nothing can fix it overnight! If you are willing to prioritize the things I’ll teach you in this course, then you can expect to see steady and long-lasting improvements.

*Results are not guaranteed because they depend on YOUR application of the course material. Please reach out to PRIOR to enrollment if you have questions.

Do you offer refunds?

No. Due to the downloadable nature of the course, and the fact that you’ll begin receiving course material immediately after purchase, I am not able to offer any refunds.

This might seem scary, but I stand by the decision because there is SO MUCH VALUE in this course. It combines more than 12 years of my education, my personal experience, and my professional experience — so I KNOW that if you are willing to apply what I teach you then, like hundreds of my clients, you too will experience powerful results.

You should only enroll if you are committed to trusting the process.

I can’t start right away, can I still join?

You can start the course at any time, and you have LIFETIME access to the program so there is no rush! You can access all of the somatic practices, worksheets, videos, etc as many times as you life.

To take advantage of the discount, you can sign up early & begin when you have time.

I’m taking anxiety, depression or other medications - will this program work for me?

Yes. This course is a great compliment and will provide you with understanding & tools. As always, work with your physician to consult with throughout the program as well as modify any medications.

I have Adrenal Insufficiency, Addison’s or Cushing’s Disease. Will this course still help me?

Yes! All of the methods I share in this course can support your symptoms, but since the root cause of your symptoms is something other than Chronic Stress, this course will not cure or reverse the disease.

I also give lab test recommendations for course members who want to look into this diagnosis.

Is this course available to people outside the USA?

Yes, you can enroll in this course from any country and access it no matter what time zone you live. All videos are pre-recorded & available to watch (or rewatch) any time.

What our members say!

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This course supports many different types of individuals...

  1. Shift Workers and those who work Night Shift
  2. Caregivers
  3. Individuals with Chronic Pain or Illness
  4. Mental Health Professionals
  5. High-Achieving Perfectionist
  6. People-Pleasers
  7. Trauma Survivors
  8. Those Preparing for or Recovering from a Major Life Transition
  9. Anyone Feeling "Off" Without a Clear Medical Diagnosis

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